4615 East 12th stCheyenne, WY 82001 United States of America
Our time:10:03 AM
CHRISTMAS SESSIONS - Liz Osban Photography
Get vintage inspired and warm family photographs for Christmas! Space is limited!
Sessions Details:
Choose your date to photograph:
Nov 29 Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 2
-We'll photograph at Little America Hotel in Cheyenne, WY where we have the option of photographing outside with a beautiful pine trees surrounding us or shooting inside the warm hotel (this is great if you have an infant!) with their Christmas decorations...or both!
-Each session will be 30 minutes total.
-You will receive a final disc with 20 final enhanced images with copyright included. With your receipt, I'll give you a list of amazing sites to order super cute, easy to use and clever Christmas cards (don't worry, these sites have fast 2-day shipping so you can receive them just in time!).
-Each sessions complete disc will be ready to pick up Dec 3rd and 4th (with the provided pick up address in your booking confirmation email!